Sunday, August 31, 2008

tyler's gram

the very first time i ever met mary georgi providence, tyler's maternal grandmother, the following occured:

it was a warm july day. we drove up into her 1940's driveway, beside her 1940's home, and there she was:

one little bitty woman.

a pair of old school metal scissors.

one row of hedges...

and 80+ decades of full Italian/Catholic genes coursing through her blood.

she was like no one i'd ever this day, she remains a character all her own.

i love her for her time-capsule life. i love her for the fact that she fed her meter-man cookies when he came to read her meter.

event the UPS guy was privy to her 100% delicious, home-cooked italian food.

no bakery in the world can hold a candle to mary's baked items...hers are OUT OF THIS WORLD.

she made them my hand. by scratch. by memory.


she's in a home now...and from what i hear, nearing Heaven's gate.

i'm going to read the Bible with her today with Adelaide. tyler will meet up with us later.

pray for her if you can.

moving from old blog

welcome to the new blog.

the old one...well, it's on sabbatical.

begin the pouring out of 'ye old noggin.